DUI Defense Lawyer in CT
Have you been charged with a DUI in Connecticut? We know everyone makes mistakes and we’re not here to judge you, but a DUI can have serious consequences, and Connecticut has the seventh-strictest DUI laws in the entire United States, so it’s important for you to have an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your rights.
A First-Time DUI Conviction in Connecticut Can Result In:
- A DMV license suspension
- A permanent criminal record
- A separate criminal charge if you do not appear in court
- Mandatory minimum of 2 days in jail
- Up to 6 months in jail
- Up to $1,000 in fines
- 18 months of probation
- 100 hours of community service
- 45-day driver's license suspension
- Ignition interlock requirement for one year
If you have a previous DUI arrest, the consequences can be more severe, including two years or more in jail, fines of up to $4,000, and the loss of your license for three years or even permanently.
Why Choose Mahon, Quinn & Mahon for Your DUI Defense Case
Whether you are a first-time DUI offender or a repeat one, the DUI defense lawyers at Mahon, Quinn & Mahon can help. Connecticut’s DUI laws are complicated and very technical, even for a professional attorney without extensive experience in DUI cases.
Having an experienced DUI criminal defense attorney on your side can make the difference between going to jail or having DUI charges dropped after successfully completing a 10 to 15-week alcohol education program.
Our experienced criminal defense attorneys have decades of experience in dealing with DUI and motor vehicle infraction cases. We have the knowledge and experience to assist you from the date of your DUI arrest until the final disposition of your case.
Don’t let one mistake ruin your life! If you need help after a DUI arrest, contact our office today for a free and confidential consultation.